Synopsis: This is a group of ten children characters who spend their days together in a treehouse in the forest, which also serves as their daycare, with their mentor Mrs. Cranes who lives in the same tree.
Each of these characters has their own weaknesses, strengths, or abilities, and they work together with Mrs. Crane›s guidance and each other›s help to solve problems. Each part of the story is educational, nurturing, and entertaining in a playful and adventurous way.
Format | 2D Cutout, FHD |
Audience | Preschool |
Languages | Persian |
Topics | Comedy |
Length | 57 × 7' |
Production schedule | – |
Synopsis: This is a group of ten children characters who spend their days together in a treehouse in the forest, which also serves as their daycare, with their mentor Mrs. Cranes who lives in the same tree.
Each of these characters has their own weaknesses, strengths, or abilities, and they work together with Mrs. Crane›s guidance and each other›s help to solve problems. Each part of the story is educational, nurturing, and entertaining in a playful and adventurous way.
Format | 2D Cutout, FHD |
Audience | Preschool |
Languages | Persian |
Topics | Comedy |
Length | 57 × 7' |
Production schedule | – |
About Shams Animation
Shams Animation Company is a flagship in the fields of animation production, distribution and merchandising in Iran.
© 2024 | all rights reserved by Shams Animation Company