Synopsis: The story of the series revolves around a knowledgeable and religious boy named Farid, who possesses extraordinary abilities in solving difficult puzzles and thereby resolving people›s problems. With his godgiven intelligence, he confronts negative characters in the story. Khwaja Ahmad, Attar of the city, and Master Farid also try to help Farid and other children strengthen their beliefs and find the right direction in solving problems with their pious approach.
Format | 2D Cutout, 4K |
Audience | Kids |
Languages | Persian |
Length | 26 × 13' |
Production schedule | – |
Topics | Adventure |
Synopsis: The story of the series revolves around a knowledgeable and religious boy named Farid, who possesses extraordinary abilities in solving difficult puzzles and thereby resolving people›s problems. With his godgiven intelligence, he confronts negative characters in the story. Khwaja Ahmad, Attar of the city, and Master Farid also try to help Farid and other children strengthen their beliefs and find the right direction in solving problems with their pious approach.
Format | 2D Cutout, 4K |
Audience | Kids |
Languages | Persian |
Length | 26 × 13' |
Production schedule | – |
Topics | Adventure |
About Shams Animation
Shams Animation Company is a flagship in the fields of animation production, distribution and merchandising in Iran.
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