

208 x 7’ – Edutainment – Preschool

Synopsis: Babaei is a young sheep girl who lives with her family. She is very lively and curious, always discovering and learning new things every day along with her younger sister Babaoo. Despite being younger than her sister, Babaoo is calmer and more talkative than Babaei.

These two charming and sweet sisters live with their parents. Their father has a very good relationship with his wife and daughters, but he is not very far-sighted and his wife helps him in this field. Babaei and Babaoo’s mother is very law-abiding and forward-looking and tries to teach her daughters in certain ways.

Babaei and Babaoo also have cute friends with whom they play games appropriate for minors and increase their friendship and teamwork skills.

Babaei animated series is very popular in Iran and has been the most watched Iranian animated series for preschool.


2D Cutout, 4K




Persian, Turkish


208 × 7'

Production schedule




208 x 7’ – Edutainment – Preschool

Synopsis: Babaei is a young sheep girl who lives with her family. She is very lively and curious, always discovering and learning new things every day along with her younger sister Babaoo. Despite being younger than her sister, Babaoo is calmer and more talkative than Babaei.

These two charming and sweet sisters live with their parents. Their father has a very good relationship with his wife and daughters, but he is not very far-sighted and his wife helps him in this field. Babaei and Babaoo’s mother is very law-abiding and forward-looking and tries to teach her daughters in certain ways.

Babaei and Babaoo also have cute friends with whom they play games appropriate for minors and increase their friendship and teamwork skills.

Babaei animated series is very popular in Iran and has been the most watched Iranian animated series for preschool.


2D Cutout, 4K




Persian, Turkish


208 × 7'

Production schedule

